A little scared but ready to challenge your beliefs (and the societal taboos) around strength training? Not sure where to start at Lioness HQ?

Discover just how capable you are with First Step!

It’s a safe and accessible way to begin your strength training journey with experienced, fun and supportive coaches. It gives you 4 weeks unlimited access, without all the contracts and messy fuss!



You’re not alone when it comes to feeling confused, lonely, anxious and scared, about starting the gym. Every single woman who’s on their strength journey has had their day one. They felt the exact feelings you have.

And they all wish they’d started sooner!

FIRST STEP is our 4 week introduction program - that gives you a taste of it ALL, and ends, OBLIGATION free! We whole heartedly created this program in hopes it could attract people like yourself, to take that leap of faith. Its filled with the intention to make the process of beginning your health journey as comfortable, relaxing and enjoyable as can be!

What’s Included?

Over four weeks you’ll learn the foundations of strength training and become comfortable in the gym.

● 4 weeks of unlimited coaching at Lioness HQ

● 1-to-1 Discovery session with your allocated coach. She’ll help you break down any concerns, worries, and challenges to put you a step forward physically and mentally

● 2 x sauna pass

● All the apps & features that come with the mainstream Lioness membership

● Access to all community events & educational resources

● Your personal coach for the entire four weeks to guide and support you outside your training sessions

● Access to private FB community #sisterhood, and HQ events (because we’re all about the fun!)


Join the waitlist

We care for every women that steps foot into our door. You wont be treated just like a number at Lioness gym. Therefore, its important to add yourself to the waitlist to be contacted when a vacancy becomes available!